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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sometimes life is crazy... and other times your life makes perfect sense so you dye your hair brown. I dunno, I don't have a good excuse for the change that I never even imagined doing, but so far so good. Its like I don't even recognize the brown haired hooligan in the mirror, then I realize she is a hooligan and remember its me!
Brady is one of those guys that sometimes you just can't get enough of... he's officially my best friend and I feel like were never bored. Is that possible for a girl with ADD?? Huh, life is great!
This week I feel the need to play the guitar and write songs and have a flashback to my old life, which I miss sometimes, but most times I love the present, its awesome.
I want dreads and a rock climbing body. I want the world to be rid of greed. I want to be able to hand my dog, Clutch, the keys to my car so he can warm it up when it is cold out. (I don't think this is too far off, since he opens the door to let himself out to go to the bathroom.) I also want my family to be sincerely happy. They deserve it. They are all amazing, but sometimes I feel they won't let themselves be happy. Family, be happy!
Life is exciting and incredible! Live it to the fullest and don't over-analyze it!!! Let yourself be happy!!!

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